Small Business Challenges…Plus Solutions!

Launching a business is a huge accomplishment for every business owner, however maintaining the business is another large challenge. Regardless of the business size, there are many hurdles that all businesses face, ranging from competition with competitors and managing customer bases to hiring and directing employees to help your company scale and grow. 

Here are some challenges small businesses face today and how to improve them. By dealing with such key small business challenges, you can step ahead of your competition. 

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How to Overcome The Post-Holiday Retail Slump

It’s an all too familiar feeling when business owners recognize the post-holiday retail slump has set in. It’s natural after all, with dreary weather in many parts of the country, and expendable income depleted after the holidays.

After the rush and excitement of the holidays, how do retail shops continue to bring in customers during the slow months of January and February? We have a few ideas 😉

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6 Small Business Goals to Set in 2021

Everyone’s excited to put 2020 behind us and start a new year. How can we ensure that 2021 is more productive and more prosperous for us as small business owners? One great way is to set business goals. Establishing goals keeps you focused, helping you prioritize the most noteworthy projects at the ideal times.

Discover our recommendations for 6 small business goals you can set in 2021 to help your business excel.

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Are You Tracking These Three Business Metrics?

Key Business Metrics to Track - A laptop displaying data


When it comes to running and growing your small business, metrics matter. Website traffic, social media followers, quarterly budgets, revenue — all of this data is crucial for making informed decisions about staffing, services, and spending. Even with all of that, though, you still may be missing out on metrics that have a direct impact on you and your business.

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